
Censorship In Education

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Censorship In the Education System Often times, many ask why tools used to enhance the learning of children are removed or revoked. Books, magazines, poems, and films are all subjected to this offence, and most affected are children in the education systems. Censorship has been happening for ages and is still continuing. With religious, political, and moral censorship the affects on a child’s learning is astronomical. While, there are plus sides to this process, something must be done in order for America’s education system to begin to measure up to those of other countries. Therefore, this process must stop, and we must face the fact that censorship is wrong and detrimental to society, and most importantly the youth of this country. Practiced …show more content…

Teenagers are easily influenced and undereducated on numerous topics, one big issue several have is teaching these easily influenced minds about sex. Pushed to the top of the banned book list various books and other materials were condemned because of this topic. However, censoring sex is causing more problems, problems such as teen pregnancy, and high STD rates. Other countries have found the solution, they have started to inform the young people about these topics, and their rates of underage pregnancy and STD’s have significantly gone down. Another effect of censorship is the removal of passages by the author of their own literature in order to be able to even sell their books. For example, Judy Blume removed a scene containing female masturbation just so it wouldn't vanish on the banned book list. Although these topics are informative and realistic, they are removed in order to protect children, but to be informed is the protection they need. In other words, the key to helping young minds isn't to withhold information from them, but to teach and guide them with actual information …show more content…

Often times, parents and school board members cause a lot of material to be taken off the shelves, but there are some that are fighting against censorship. Warren County school board members voted 3-2 against banning the book "Flowers for Algernon". Challenged a plethora of times this book even made it on the American Library Association’s 100 most challenged list. This book contains sexual content, drug use, and profanity. And although these topics aren't appropriate for school, they are topics that will not be hidden from their daily lives. Out of all five school board members, only two of them voted for removing the book, Traggott made this comment about the appropriateness in that particular school saying that, "Although many students see movies and other entertainment containing profanity, drug use and sex, that isn't a reason it should be included in school materials" (White para. 14). The other three members that voted toward keeping the book countered that, the main character is an adult and his own actions do not encourage students that these actions are suitable for their age group

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