Imagine a coworker posting a threatening statement towards the place they work. Even if they are exaggerating or joking, it’s unprofessional and would still be concerning for many employees. What you say or post online should be grounds on getting fired because of the first amendment rights and safety, loyalty towards the company, and how they represent the company. Although many people think that the first amendment allows them to say whatever they want online, “the first amendment only protects people from the government, not private companies.” (“Can I be Fired…”). Private companies should be able to fire someone for what they say online because it is their company. There are no restrictions for private employers. “Right to work states don’t need a reason to fire someone.” (“Should Employees be …show more content…
Even if the employee has a private account, there are still ways for the post to go public and reflect poorly on the company. Although employees should have privacy, if the post is hurting the company then they should get fired. “Many companies forbid employees from giving information to the competitor, which would damage the company, so why not forbid employees from posting information that would hurt the company.” (“Yes, You Should…”). The company could lose business because they are linked directly to the company. “A manager gets to choose the kind of people they want in the workplace. If they don't want a person who drinks, then a post of an employee drinking could get them fired.” (“Should Employees be Fired...)”. “Bad judgment isn't limited to online behavior.” (“Yes, you should…”). Just as an employee would get fired for saying something offensive in the office, they should get fired for saying something offensive online. Employees should have to remain professional even online. Although some people think as long as you post during unpaid hours it is fine, anyone can still view the post at any
These employees aired their frustrations on social media about the manager. The decision rendered in this matter was that Social media comments are protected concerted activity according to Section 7of National Labor Relations Act. Furthermore, because their postings were a continuation of the employees’ efforts to address concerns.
When looking for prospective employees, employers do not enjoy rifling through Facebook pictures of obscene pictures and statuses with crude language. Bad behavior of employees, even off the clock, made public by social media
Failure to realize that your posts can be publicly viewed by anyone is just one of the contributing factors in which people may lose their jobs due to what they are posting on Twitter. Nowadays, it is not uncommon for potential employees
Under the first amendment this is true, it may be argued he had the right to post to his own page. Then we fall into a grey area which is hard to discern. Tryon is allowed to post to his social media, however he should be keeping anything that has to do with his employer off social media. When working with company the employee has a loyalty to maintain the status quo. Issues in the workplace can be dealt with, but they should not be posted about on social media.
There are, of course, grey areas within this debate. It is appropriate that any social media post that identifies the individual’s employer is of justified interest to that employer. However, where an individual discusses work situations without identifying the employer it is perhaps harder to justify this intrusion. The obvious line here is that companies should, by and large, restrict themselves to monitoring mentions of their brand or senior executives and should stay away from monitoring individual staff names on their own unless otherwise justified.
NLRB found a way to reprimand or even fire employees based on social media posts. These can occur when an employee decides to post inaccurate or negative information about the person in charge or boss. These comments are usually public, or the employer will use a fake account to view the employees social media page. In 2010 a California Contractors worksite terminated four workers for posting comments on social media in regards to hazardous working conditions. The blog was posted in 2010 showing four employees commenting and exchanging pictures. The employees were expressing their concerns with social media how it was to work for this company. Three weeks later the four employees were fired. Their work place conditions were horrible. The four employees were not properly trained with the hazardous material they worked with but they were told to state at the worksite they were trained and certified to work with them. NLRB determined the blog was protected because the employees stated concerns about safety, (Protected Concerted Activity). A complaint was issued for the case to appear in court. The second day of court the company settled with the employees.
I believe censorship is permissible in certain circumstances. I find it necessary to censor violent and sexual movies for young children. Im one for scary movie and action & adventure, theyre fun to wacth, its excting. But theyre has to be an age restriction on some of these movies espicially now a days where we need more violence and fighting to find somehting exciting and fun. We have become totally immune to all the violence ont elevision. Children however need to be cesnured frmrom thi immunity. Not only will it be more likely for them to have violent tendencies, i find it inhuman for us to put a child through a scne where someone is getting sawed in half. Thta to me is a form of child abuse and torture. Putting your 2 year old child in front of a saw movie is outright torture, children are delicate beings they can face trauma this way. Everythign we see on the media effect our lives in one way or anpther this efdeec is even greatr when started at a young age.
The word censorship is from the Latin word root of censere, which means to give an opinion or expression to be judged upon. Censorship is the restriction of certain material, and due to its expression it is seen offensive to someone else. The origin of expression of censorship can be tracked back to the Roman Empire when Roman officials assessed the conduct and attitudes of other Roman citizens. The Roman government viewed that in order to have a strong government, the behavior and conduct of the peopled had to be changed according to what they thought was correct. Censorship continued to be a controversy over time. It remained a controversy over time, through many empires, the age of Enlightenment, World War II, and even today. As censorship progressed through the ages it still continues today. Today, censorship occurs at schools. It occurs in libraries, classrooms, and even in student publications. Even though censorship can occur to a certain extent at schools, students’ First Amendment rights are still protected at school. The First Amendment protects freedom of expression, speech, press, religion, and assembly. Students are allowed to express themselves freely at school as long as they do not affect the education and as long as it is not an activity supported by the school system.
I agree with the line of reasoning you are arguing here. Typically a business will limit what a person can say about that company, especially with the prevalence of social media. I think that while it is limiting your freedom of speech, you are correct in that an employer has a right to expect that of their employees. Many employers will not allow a person to use the workplace to promote their political or religious views. For example, you couldn't hand out fliers to your fellow employees inviting them to attend a political rally for a specific candidate or cause. You could do that on your own free time, but not in the workplace. That limits your freedoms as well. Why do you think an employer wouldn't allow that?
The history of the world has undoubtedly been dominated by an endless struggle for power. However, after a brief glimpse into the pages of history it should not take long to realize that the trick to maintaining power lies in the control of information. Even the most fearsome military generals of the past acknowledge the power of the mind and ideas over lethal force. Former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin once said “… [Ideas] are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, then why should we let them have ideas.” Stalin’s quote personifies the main concept of this literature review which will be discussing the history of government censorship and its effects that are
Why is it that it takes gruesome violence for people to be entertained by television content? This kind of diversion could be having an effect on the minds of the children that are watching. Citizens of other countries are openly opposed the grisly material broadcast daily on American television. What average Americans can find enjoyment in viewing on television is extremely strange to members of foreign countries. Has it not become clear that constant blasting of savage images is taking effect on people, mainly Americans? Morality in American society is decreasing rapidly, and the best way to curb this social decline is to censor violent and sexual content on American broadcast television.
According to a survey report done by the Kelly services with 170,000 people from 30 different countries, 55% of all the participants believe that the use of social media for both the personal and professional posts can cause problems in the workplace (Bennett, 2012). According to a study done by the proof point, many US companies that have hired the employees more than 1000 in number face a real problem with their employees to use social media (Ostrow 2009). Almost 17% of these companies had faced serious disrepute due to the offensive comments on the social media websites (Ostrow 2009). Almost 13% of the US companies have investigated the use of personal text messages that have been found to infringe the company’s law (Ostrow 2009).
School authorities face a great complexities and invetible challenges when deciding to make or not to make censorship decisions in school. Schools have to take matters into hand has they have to consider age, acceptance from parents, and appropriateness in the school enviroment. Throughout the years censorship has been an important matter to both schools and parents as it continues to be a topic of debate and protests.
Would you or someone you know like a school district to suspend you for something you said on the internet? If so, was it your thinking you would end up in trouble at school. Some schools want to pass new rules regarding the use of the internet at home or out of school. The schools who successfully pass these rules are unconstitutional and going against several amendments.
Imagine a society without censorship, where everyone knows each other’s secrets, it would be lethal for society. What would happen if people knew one’s weaknesses?. There is evil that needs to be censored. Censorship is necessary in our society for many different reasons. It protects nations, prevents conflict in society, it protects the morals/privacy of people, and it is also helpful for children.