
Censorship in Art

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Censorship in Art
Censorship has existed in the United States since colonial times. In the early history of American culture censorship's emphasis was on political statements and actions, banning literature, music and even people from being heard in this country. This leading too more closed-minded views about different cultures and society, which we are still fighting to over come in the present day. Today a better-informed America has switched their views to a more sexual content when deciding what should be publicly released. While all of this seems to violate our first amendment right, group censorship is totally legal. Hidden amongst recent censorship are many Cuban exile groups who have caused a handful of Cuban performances to …show more content…

Groups such as, Vigilia Mambisa, the Cuban Patriotic Coalition of Palm Beach, and 18 exile groups (one stemming out of Boca Raton), feel that when these Cuban descendents perform here in the US that the proceeds from their concerts will go back into the Cuban Government, directly helping Fidel Castro (Smith, 4E). Jorge Avellana, a West Palm Beach exile who organized the demonstration against Irakere stated that, "The majority of the money they earn goes to

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