
Chagas Disease Analysis

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Mexico is one of the 21 Latin American countries where Chagas disease is found endemic and will be the purpose of this analysis. This country is ranked number three in terms of number of infected individuals with Chagas disease in the Western Hemisphere, where 99% of the cases are present (Bern 2011). Also, according to Carabarin-Lima (2013), 96% of the transmission of Chagas in Mexico is vector borne and the greatest percentage of the triatomine bugs is present in rural areas. According to Tonantzin (2013), it is estimated that one million people suffer from Chagas in Mexico, while the population at risk is 5.5 million people (Carabarin-Lima, 2013). This country’s national Program on Onchocerciasis, Leishmaniasis and Chagas Disease within

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