
Challenges Faced By Health Systems

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The healthcare industry, like any others, is going across a term of ?glocalization,? a combined concept of both globalization and localization. Although healthcare service is often supplied locally, the trends of changing in global healthcare industry still influence local health systems. On the other words, different health systems are sharing some challenges and opportunities worldwide (46). The workforce is always playing a fundamental role in health systems because they delivery not only care, treatments, but also health knowledge. Therefore, the objectives of this report are to discuss the workforce challenges encountered by health systems globally and possible approaches to satisfied the health needs now and into the …show more content…

In 2012, 38 million of all global deaths, or 68% were because of chronic and non-communicable diseases (16). This number is still growing through years. However, traditional medical science and public health training become limited because they focus mostly on the diagnosis and treatment of acute diseases and complications rather than chronic conditions (2). Therefore, the shortage of health workers who have specific skills for caring chronic conditions becomes one of the most critical challenges (10).
Secondly, the aging population is growing not only change the demand of health need but also difference the workforce environment of healthcare. The rising numbers of aging workforce in health systems is another challenge in the following decades (15). For example, in the U.S., according to the research made by Institution of Medicine in 2008, there will be an extra 3.5 million requirement of health workers to retain the current ratio of healthcare providers to total population by 2030 because of the retirement of older health professionals. In order to meet this demand, it will need to set up both political and social strategies to encourage not only new health workers get into this industry but also remain the current workforce, even the older ones (14).
Thirdly, the way of healthcare service delivery is changing as a

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