
Challenges Of The Federal Government: The Whiskey Rebellion

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There was a series of challenges to the authority of the federal government, during the early years of the new government. The Articles of the Confederation were the first set of laws then it moved onto the US Constitution because the articles could not be repaired. The major changes from this change was 3 branches, checks and balances, and bicameral legislature. The power of the central government was questioned by states and individuals, in each case. These challenges helped shape the role of the central government and defined its power. The goals of the government was to form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and promote general welfare. Some of the major challenges to the authority of the federal government were, Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, and the Louisiana Purchase. Overall, the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794, and the Louisiana Purchase strengthened the President and the power of the federal government. …show more content…

In the United States beginning in 1791, the Whiskey Rebellion was one of the challenges during the presidency of George Washington. People refused to pay tax on whiskey in Western PA, and the first tax imposed was called the Whiskey Tax. George Washington was the president during this challenge and in 1794 Washington took charge and sent 12,000 troops and rebellion dissolved. This was the first time ever that force was used to dissolve problems. The Whiskey Rebellion was the first serious problem to federal authority and it started with a tax on whiskey. The rebellion fell apart, when Washington called out the militia. This event occurred after the Revolution and this rebellion was significant in the early days of the new government. As a result, there were financial problems such as debt and Hamilton’s 4 Part Plan was to pay of debt and one of his examples was the Whiskey

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