
Change In Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World'

Decent Essays

There is no way to predict the exact path of change the world will take, but change is guaranteed. The author of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, shares, “I feel a good deal less optimistic than I did when I was writing Brave New World. The prophecies made in 1931 are coming true much sooner than I thought they would.” Our society is slowly merging into the perfect society Aldous Huxley pictures in Brave New World.
For instance, Bokanovsky’s process is utilized in the utopian society to create multiple sets of identical twins. During this process, they mix sperm and an egg outside of the body to create and grow. Once in the embryonic stage, they split the cells to create twins. Similar to Bokanovsky’s process, in-vitro fertilization, a medical procedure where an egg is mixed with sperm outside of the body, is used as a method to conceive in modern day society. When the embryo is created, if wanted, the couple is able to select the gender. These processes reflect one another by the way they are accomplished. …show more content…

For example in chapter three, Lenina Crowne admits to Fanny that she was exclusively seeing Henry for four months. Fanny then mentioned that she should become more promiscuous since it was not the way their society worked. When the novel was published, society opposed the one presented in the book: people were judged for having sex before marriage. Now, it is common to sleep with multiple people before settling down at a young age, with pressure on adolescents to have sexual relations with others during their high school

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