
Changes In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The stench of burning flesh lingers over the piles of skeleton like people who could no longer fight the battle. Along with the millions of bodies that got left behind at Auschwitz so did much of Elie’s existence before he was brought to the camp. In the memoir Night, by Elie Wiesel, Elie faces many challenges and loses much of himself due to his horrific journey in the camp. Elie’s losses contributed dramatically into the person he became after the liberation, he no longer valued religion or a higher power, he lost his family, and his innocence . Elie entered the concentration camp as a faith driven young boy but ultimately transforms into a scarred corpse like version of his old self. One of the ways Ellie was changed over the course …show more content…

They tried as hard as they could to stay together and even though they were facing a difficult situation they relied on each other. It was important to them to not lose their closeness even though they were deliberately being separated. Before even reaching the concentration camps when the Jews were being transported to the ghetto’s they had the opportunity to go live with other family where they would escape they were guaranteed safety. Though they refused to be separated and were willing to face anything to stay together. “Naturally we refused to be separated”(Wiesel 20). They needed each other to give them strength to go on to remind them that they will be okay. They also needed that touch of normalcy in their world where everything was changing. Though as time went on and they got to the camp everything changed. Just after reaching the gates of Auschwitz, Elie's father and himself were already separated from his mother and sister. They took the path to the barracks while they walked to path to death.The loss of half his family family caused Elie to make family just that more important to him. So the relationship between him and his dad became much stronger than before. While facing all the brutal conditions of the camp Elie and his father stood by each other and used each other as support.They faced many deportations and selections but still were able to remain together.They even watched a father/son brawl over food that ended in death for them both. They vowed to never get like that and betray each other. Though as they neared liberation his poor dad’s condition got worse and worse. His dad’s short future was very clear to Elie and the other prisoners. So as he tried to stay optimistic he couldn’t resist believing the inevitable and knew his dad wasn’t gonna live much longer. So while his dad stared death in the face he spoke to a fellow prisoner and

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