
Changes In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Stress and change have a strong relation because with one, comes the other. Elie Wiesel; the author of Night and Jonathan Marc Feldman; the screenwriter of Swing Kids, let readers witness characters reactions to the stress’ they encounter as the Nazi’s take over in World War II. The relationship between stress and change relates to these characters because as they experience stress throughout these stories, they undergo spiritual, emotional and interpersonal changes.

In the beginning of the memoir Night, the author Elie Wiesel, as well as many prisoners had lost their faith in God. Elie was very passionate about his faith and religious teachings. While in the concentration camp Auschwitz, Elie and his fellow prisoners were forced to work long, hard hours under unbearable conditions with very minimal food. The pain and suffering Elie and …show more content…

Elie's father was not just a wise leader to him and his family, but to the community as well. In Auschwitz, he had many prisoners come to him and gave advice to Elie. However when the father was in Buna, he was picked on, ridiculed and beaten because he could not march in step. The torment and pain he had to bear brought him an immense measure of stress. As a result to this stress, once they reached Buchenwald, his father was pushed to the limit of his emotional limitation. At this point Elie and his father’s roles had been switched. He now had to take care of his father. Elie suffered a massive deal of stress, constantly worrying and trying to keep his father alive through these hell-like times. Leaving him with no choice but to quickly grow up, and become more responsible. The stress Elie and his father endured changed his father emotionally from a strong, mature man to a weak, sensitive, ‘child’. On the contrary the stress changed Elie emotionally from an dependant, passionate child into a mature, strong, ‘adult’. Thus stress changing them

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