
Chaplain Jim Cosgrove's Poem 'Stronger Than Grief'

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Poetry Anthology
Due to the diversity of Australia, the definition of the true Australian identity has changed over time. However, there are several main attributes that have been embedded into the modern Australian identity, mate-ship, courage, resilience and acceptance. The theme in this anthology is war, this has been selected as Australia has been through several wars and, it is in these times where the true Australian identity stands out. It was during several wars where Australia’s national identity was developed and several significant, everlasting attributes were formed, such as, mate-ship, acceptance, courage, resilience and a never giving up attitude. In addition to that as a result of Australia’s diversity and increase in multiculturalism, …show more content…

This poem is based on families throughout the war, making sense of their loved one’s death. While they are overcome with grief and sorrow, they have an overwhelming sense of appreciation for what their loved one had achieved in fighting for the country. Chaplain Jim Cosgrove has portrayed Australians as being very sacrificial, resilient, courageous, this can be seen through several examples in the poem. In addition to that, throughout the poem it can be seen that the poet believes mate-ship is a fundamental aspect of the Australian identity. ‘Their courage and belief are even stronger than their grief that their sacrifice is for a worthy cause.’ This example, in lines 13 and 14, shows the poets views of Australians, that they are brave, courageous and sacrificial. This is reflected in the Australian identity and supports Australia’s dominant cultural values. Another examples of this is in lines 23 & 24, ‘In the history of their nation there are many generations whose sacrifice has made our country free.’ An example of the poet displaying mate-ship as being a significant aspect of the Australian identity is in lines 17-18, ‘They want to tell their mates to never doubt or hesitate, to fight this fight against the reign of terror.’ The poet has used imagery throughout the poem, to help the reader construct an image. Furthermore, Chaplain Jim Cosgrove has set a somber and melancholy mood and tone through the choice of words that highlight the sacrifices made by soldiers in the war. Thus, giving the poem more

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