
Chapter 68 Summary

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Chapter 68 Summary
Fear and anxiety keep Pi from sleeping more than an hour at a time. Richard Parker is able to sleep all the time and Pi passes the long boring hours watching the tiger sleep in all his favourite positions.
Chapter 68 Analysis

Survival is the theme for this chapter and the mood is boredom. Anxiety and fear prevent Pi from sleeping while Richard Parker sleeps carefree. Time moves painfully slow for Pi and the only thing that interrupts his boredom is watching Richard Parker sleep in different positions.

Chapter 69 Summary

From time to time Pi thinks he sees a light in the distance and uses up his flares without any results. Pi decides that he has to reach land and gives up all hope of being rescued by a ship. The smell …show more content…

Survival - Pi`s struggle to keep himself and Richard Parker alive in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Pi not only as to find water and food for both of them, but he also has to protect himself from Richard Parker by imposing his rights and carve out a territory for himself. To live, Pi has to survive the elements that cause him pain and suffering, and can kill him quicker than Richard Parker can. Pi also struggles to survive boredom.” He does whatever he has to do to stay alive by using his survival instincts and resourcefulness, even if it conflicts with his religious beliefs.

Religion and Faith – Just about everything Pi experiences he relates it to his strong religious beliefs because it brings him comfort. He continues to practise his Hindu, Christian and Islamic religious rituals by adapting them to his circumstances. Whenever he felt anger, despair and weariness, he would try to elevate himself by remind himself of all of God’s creations and his place in it. The darkness and hopelessness he felt would come and go, but God always remained in his heart which gave him the will to

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