
Character Analysis: Burn Girl

Decent Essays

Burn Girl is the story of Arlie, a sixteen year old girl living in Colorado with her meth-addict mother. When her mom dies of a drug overdose, Arlie’s life changes forever. She goes to live with her uncle and starts attending school for the first time. She even meets a boy. But Arlie soon finds out that there are some parts of her past that won’t stay buried.

""Secrets were the only thing truly my own."

I really liked Arlie as a main character. She is strong and loyal, but living with and acting as care taker to an addict has damaged her severely (as it would). Also, her mother's death has left her with all these confused, angry emotions roiling round. She reminded me of a hedgehog - all prickly and curled up into a ball to protect herself from the world. She does some pretty dumb things on occasion, but on the whole she was a great main character. …show more content…

Cody seemed sweet and I have to give props to the author for bringing in a love interest with a disability, but it felt a bit instalove-y and I thought it could have been developed a bit more before they decided they were in love.

On the other hand, her relationship with Mo was really well written. It’s rare to see a female friendship explored in such depth and it was interesting to see how both girls push the boundaries of their friendship. I also enjoyed reading about the development of Arlie’s relationship with Frank and how she learns to start trusting people and accepting that she now has a stable home life.

"We're never done with tears. We can just hope laughter balances them out over

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