
Character Analysis: Drake University And The Republic

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Legend is told from the perspective of two leading characters: Day, a renegade from the streets, and June, an elite student at Drake University and the Republic's shining prodigy. Day is a criminal on the run for stealing from the Republic and making the government look foolish. Day has to go steal plague medicine from the hospital for his family. At the same time, June is attending Drake University and has completed three years even though she's only 15. Her parents are dead, so her brother, Captain Metias Iparis, raises her. Metias has to go on a mission, and Day breaks into the hospital while he is there. Day runs into Captain Iparis and stabs him in the shoulder before escaping, leaving Iparis wounded. Meanwhile Thomas, the other soldier in Metias's regiment, appears at June's door to tell her that …show more content…

His brothers John and Eden are also in custody. Commander Jameson, Thomas, and June start to interrogate and even torture Day before his sentencing date—at which point he's scheduled to die by firing squad. All the while, June is starting to have doubts about whether or not it was right to take Day into custody. She feels bad about his mom, and she also believes him a little when he claims that he didn't kill Metias. The truth eventually comes out when June reads Metias's journals. It turns out he left a secret message for her that leads her to his blog; in it he chronicles how he found out that the government engineers the plagues and that their parents were killed by the government. She realizes that Thomas was the one who killed Metias after all. It wasn't Day. June decides that she can't support the Republic anymore, and has to help Day escape. To do so she enlists the help of Kaede and Tess who are both wary of her but decide to join in. June and Day are also getting closer, and Thomas is getting a little suspicious. Because of this, Day's execution date is moved up and June has to carry out her escape plan before they're fully

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