
Character Analysis Of Alfred 's ' Ulysses '

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Character Analysis of Alfred Tennyson 's "Ulysses" I soon researched the character ‘Ulysses’ after reading the poem written by Alfred Lord Tennyson. In my research on the character of Ulysses, I discovered there are different aspects that can be looked at from different viewpoints of which can affect whether you see him as Ulysses the hero, or as Ulysses the man. Lending to the reality that even though somebody may be your hero, he is still human underneath. In my analysis of the character Ulysses, I found a few comparisons or contrasts between Tennyson’s poem and Homer’s story. Most notably when Tennyson uses the word “profits” along the first part of the poem, it seems to indicate a more industrialized time period. Then also the fact that he calls himself "Idle" which indicates discontent at his older stage of life. Although this is a man who had been through many adventures and seen many different lands while he was conquering them, he most definitely accomplished more tasks in his life than most people could ever consider. Tennyson’s poem seems to show basically the emotions and state of thought of a hero. Where he has come to a part of his life where he feels he is no longer needed to complete the tasks that he has been accomplishing through what we would consider our career life. As far as we know from Homer’s story, Ulysses was a shrewd warrior undertaking many lands and was very unforgiving in the process. He was a man who kept his word. If he said he was going to

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