
Character Analysis Of Buster Keaton's 'Sherlock Jr'

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In Sherlock Jr, demonstrate a man, which is a movie projectionist frustrated in love because the object of his affections is attracted to a dishonest rival. Sherlock Jr is also an aspiring detective, and when the girl's father's pocket watch disappears, he tries to take charge of the situation. But the rival contrives to make him look like the culprit. While projecting a show about two lovers and a similar domestic crime, Sherlock experiences a bizarre daydream of "entering" the world of the movie. Buster Keaton introduces a man who is trying to impress a girl by giving her a ring. There are certain things in the scene that makes it part of the plot; such as the ring and the reaction to it, the framing, and acting. Buster Keaton uses the …show more content…

After the close-up; which appear in a second-minute shot, it goes back to the medium shot to have the same scenery before the close-up. The close-up is interpreted when the director wants to have a better vision for the audience to see the ring that Sherlock Jr gives to the girl. Thus, the audience attentive the importance of the object to the main characters. Further, he uses a close-up of the ring to show excitement and anxiety of the scene. As I mentioned, the close-up of the scene is important because it’s a demonstration of a better perspective of the ring. The excitement in a way the girl wants to know what is inside the ring, and the feeling of wearing it. The anxiety of being nervous at the same time. In addition, the setting happens at the girl’s house which is middle class. In my perspective, the director chooses this setting to emphasize the events yet to come, and it is where the plot begins to form. For example, its fashion, and the quality of the furniture made it seem to have the feeling of a middle-class house. Thus, the setting of the house presents the major events of the film overall. Keaton uses the actor’s facial expressions, framing to build the excitement and anxiety of the scene. He uses acting to express their facial expressions to demonstrate emotions by showing excitement and disappointment while giving a ring, and anxiety in both characters. The close-up of the ring illustrates

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