
Character Analysis Of Call Of The Wild

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The Call of the Wild The book, Call of the Wild was written by a man named Jack London. It was published in August of 1903. This story takes place on the frozen tundra of Canada. It is about a dog named Buck. Buck was sold to be a sled dog when people started to discover gold in Canada. Buck soon learns that life as a sled dog is very cruel and abusive.
The events that are recounted are those that the dog Buck experiences directly, but is viewed in the third person as Buck. As such, it is not unreasonable to call him the only fully developed character in the story. He is the only character whose past we know anything about, and London is careful to emphasize the human qualities all the animals. Filtered through the third-person omniscience of the narrator, Buck is far more than a creature of instinct, since he has a sense of wonder, shame, and justice. He also possesses a capacity for unselfish love, as his relationship to Thornton amply demonstrates. He may be a dog, but he is more human than many of the people around him. Buck is first introduced as living in an affluent and easy lifestyle in the first chapter, and the story concludes with Buck as a valued competitor in the wild. In between, Buck goes through experiences that provide him with greater view about the world. In the beginning as an entitled animal he walked proudly over his large domain, but abruptly everything taken away from him when he is sold to dog traders. He is reduced to nothing, beaten, kicked, and

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