
Character Analysis Of Daisy Buchanan In The Great Gatsby

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In the 1920’s, Daisy Buchanan is depicted as the perfect, ideal girl for her beautiful, sweet, and caring qualities. She attracts the attention of many men in town with her charm and looks. As she mesmerizes men, her underlying false qualities come to light, revealing the vain and deceitful personality underneath. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald reveals how Daisy draws attention by charming her way through life, and manipulating her feelings, but when faced with adversity, her façade deteriorates, revealing her selfish behavior. Daisy’s looks and choice of style envy’s all the girls in town and every men dreams of possessing her. As Daisy’s life revolves around wealth, her cousin Nick, describes her as “the golden girl” (Fitzgerald 120). She has the money to buy anything she wants and all the women idolize her as she wears her elegant accessories and embellishments. She is utterly loved and worshipped by her surroundings and her flaws pass right through her as if they don’t even exist. Daisy’s voice is described as if “there [is] an excitement in her voice that men who cared for her found difficult to forget” (Fitzgerald 9). Her utterly charming voice draws attention and captivates every man as they find it hard to get rid of. Gatsby and Tom are drawn by her musical voice and charming beauty. When Gatsby recognizes Daisy, he seems to immediately fall in love with her. He “looked at Daisy while she was speaking in a way that every young girl wants to be looked at

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