
Character Analysis Of Montag In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

Montag has grown into a more thoughtful and nice person, that’s a lot more than the average citizen in his society. He considers other people and their emotions. Montag goes with the firemen to burn his house. He burns it and then he gets caught by his captain. has to “First I thought you had a seashell. But when you turned clever later, I wondered. Well trace this and drop in on your friend. No! said Montag,” (112). He cares about his new friend Faber and doesn’t want him to die. Montag has emotions. They used to be suppressed to a point where he didn’t even know why he did the things he did. Montag has escaped the city and remembers his past with his wife right before she blows up. “I remember. Montag clung to the earth. I remember. Chicago.

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