
How Does Montag Change Throughout Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 Montag, the protagonist transforms through the whole book. He transformed by loving his job as burning books to hating it. His job was being a fireman,which is nothing like a fireman is today. Fireman In this book burns books,which today's fireman put out fires. During the book Montag meets people, and that forces him to transform throughout the novel.
Montag loves his job, he loves what he does at his job.In the begining Montag loves his society. He thinks there is nothing wrong with his society. Until he starts to realize how bad it really is. Clarisse starts asking him questions about his life. She asked him “Are you happy”.(Bradbury 6) This make Montag wonder if he really lo0ves his life, and if he loves what is going on with his society. Montag started changing when the women in the burning house says this “we shall this day light such a candle by god’s grace, in england , as I trust shall never be put out”.(33) The women’s quote means that it do4es not matter how many books you burn, you can never take the true meaning off the …show more content…

On page 78, he wants Faber to teach him how to read saying “I want you to teach me to understand what I read”.(78) Montag starts to want to change. On page 84, he is talking to Faber about how much he wants change “I care so much I’m sick”. (84) This quote means that Montag wants change badly. He and Faber talked about how society is. Montag can’t believe how bad it is. Montag starts to fall in love with books. He just wants to read them. Captain Beatty gave Montag a speech about how books are evil, but Montag still wants to read and learn. Captain Beatty knows something is up and he suspects Montag has books that is why he says “I’d hate to think you are coming down with the author fever”. (105) Captain Beatty says that when the alarm goes off and Montag looks real nervous because he knows that the alarm is for his

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