
Character Analysis Of Ponyboy Curtis From 'The Outsiders'

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Ponyboy Curtis, the main character, knows he is smart. Not necessarily street smarts , but book smarts. He reads a fair amount. Because his knowledge he feels a little misplaced, as he is also shy. He feels different than the other tough and dirty Greasers,so he befriends the gang’s pet Johnny. Johnny is abused at home so to ligthen the burden everyone is nice to him. His defintion of himself changes as he comes to a realization, that he doesn’t have it as bad as Johnny or Dally, and he can choose to wallow or choose to move on and make something out of his life. Could the first impression of the main character be trusted? No, because the first impression of Ponyboy is that he physically looks like a greaser with his uncut hair and blue …show more content…

This may seem harsh, but Darry has been through sorrow and grief and that changes a man. Everyone has a breaking point, so when Ponyboy runs away Darry’s negative views on Ponyboy change. "You must think at school with all those good grades you bring home and you've always got your nose in a book, but do you ever use your head for common sense? No sirree, bub. And if you did have to go by yourself, you should have carried a blade."(Hinton,13) Ponyboy goes on to say that what ever he does is never enough to satisfy Darry.
Most other people in his gang describe him as “keeps his mouth shut”. In Ponyboy’s opinion some do not like him. Since he is the brother of Sodapop and Darry they include him and the are as loyal to him and he is to the gang. Does the main character ever show others who they truly are?
Yes he does. Since Pony is emotional he let out his emotions. His gang saw him at vulnerable states. When people die, when people get hurt, and when he reachs his breaking point he brakes down and cry. His grades show the fact he is intellectual. Darry knew Pony was naive so he was hard on him. Cherry informed him on the difficulties of being a Socs because he was ignorrant and naive.
Who is “the real” main character? When we filter through all of the above questions, how would you ultimately describe the main character? What is the CORE of their

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