
Character Of Michael Gallatin

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The protagonist in Robert McCammon novels, Michael Gallatin is a British spy who also happens to be a werewolf, which gives him some peculiar abilities. Robert McCammon is an American novelist famous for his works in the American horror genre. A popular author in the genre, McCammon published his first novel in Baal in 1978 and has gone on to publish numerous titles and series that have achieved commercial success. The character Michael Gallatin is the protagonist in two of McCammon’s most popular series of novels The Wolf Hour and The Hunter from the Woods. The novels center on Gallatin’s work as a British spy working who is asked to come out of retirement to infiltrate occupied Paris before D-Day.

We are first introduced to Michael Gallatin …show more content…

It is too bad that he had to discover the brutal murder of his lover just when his life was just beginning to turn around. He now has the opportunity to right the wrongs against him by destroying the German’s plans to disrupt the D-Day invasion. Even better, he can get his vengeance since the German spy that betrayed his lover is the officer in charge of the secret Iron Fist Plan by the Nazis.

In 2014, Universal Pictures announced that the Michael Gallatin character would feature in a film adaptation of the book The Wolf’s Hour. It will be produced by Emile Gladstone and Chris Morgan of the Fast and Furious franchise. Kevin Marcus was responsible for the scripting and fleshing out of the novel for the film.

Written in 1989, the narrative traces the World War II hero Michael Gallatin as he moves to North Africa, back to Europe and a flashback on his childhood in Russia. By interviewing all these storylines, McCammon keeps the reader engrossed in the extraordinary story of daring missions to extract information from dangerous war situations while keeping the reader informed of the motivations of the

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