
Character Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

Decent Essays

“Sometimes you need to serve in order to lead,” stated Odysseus. Odysseus served in a courageous way. The movie, The Odyssey, is about a heroic man. In the movie, The Odyssey, Odysseus is a hero to everyone because he shows courage when he fights in the Trojan war, when he travels to the underworld, and when he finally returns home after many years and takes his rightful place as king of Ithaca. Odysseus is a hero in many different way throughout the movie but the main quality that shines through is his strength and courage.
One heroic example is Odysseus is courageous during the Trojan War. He does not back down and he finds another way to overpower the other troops by building a wooden horse. The wooden horse was huge and was hollow so …show more content…

He had to be courageous to face his wife, Penelope. Athena disguised Odysseus into an old man to see how he could get rid of the suitors who were trying to take Penelope and his life. Odysseus wanted to get revenge on the suitors so Penelope said whoever can string and shoot through 10 axe handles will take her hand in marriage but none of the suitors could do it. Odysseus took the bow and strung it still in disguised as an old man and he shot through all 10 axe handles. Then he revealed who he really was, taking back his place as king of Ithaca.
Some people say that Odysseus is not a hero because he's selfish and makes foolish decisions but he made courageous decisions throughout their journey and he kept them alive. He doesn't let anything stop him. He saves his men when they're turned into animals, he doesn't leave any of his men behind. On the Island of the Lotus Eaters, Odysseus and his men were there for five years but all of them got away together.
In conclusion, Odysseus is a hero because he's overcame many obstacles to make it home which shows that he's courageous. He went through the underworld, fought in the Trojan war, and made it back home to his

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