
Meg Murry Quotes

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Character Analysis of Meg Murry
In the book A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, Meg Murry is the eldest child in her family with her youngest brother go through time and space to look for her father who has been missing for several years. They meet a boy who comes along for the ride as mythical creatures take them to a place where like and same compare.Throughout the story Meg proves to be a character who shows anger and hate, Meg learns she can’t always rely on others and understands that she must be brave and hopeful to save her family.
Meg could not understand and became angry because she “could not understand how Charles Wallace and others could leave her in the stormy weather” (30). Meg also has becomes angry at school, in Social …show more content…

Meg in this book learns she has to do many things independently on quote to prove this is when Mrs. Whatsit explains her views of life she tells them “life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself. - Mrs. Whatsit” (219). She is trying to explain there are many opportunities but you have to make a lot of your own decisions in life. Another time when recognizes she needs to think on her own is when Meg has to go Camazotz by herself. She became closest to her brother Charles Wallace since her father has been missing and relies on his help so she was surprised when Ms. Whatsit asks her “Do you have the courage to go alone?” (218). Meg then realizes what this means and understands she has to depend on herself. Her “voice was flat ‘No’. But it doesn’t matter.’” (218). Meg realizes she is willing to be strong and go but also knows she has to build up all of her courage to do it when she says “But it doesn’t matter.” (218 ) Meg knows has to at least try to help her little Brother Charles Wallace.
Meg must also be brave to help save her family and in the book there are occasions where there seems as though there is nothing she or anyone can do but she has to keep her head up and keep trying. A place where Meg has to have self determination is when she is on Camazotz once she is dropped off “Then they were through it, and she was standing

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