
Characteristics Of Human Trafficking

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According to Weitzer (2015) human trafficking is the practice of illegal transportation of humans from one jurisdiction to another, within or outside a country/state, for forced labor or commercial sex exploitation. According to Chuang (2017) the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime classifies human trafficking as a grave violation of human rights. The UNODC observes that almost all countries of the world are affected by human trafficking either as countries of origin, transit or destination of trafficking victims. Trafficking is classified as one of the major Transnational Organized Crimes. This paper explores the inherent characteristics of human trafficking and what makes an activity be described as human trafficking, either by the UNODC or by other advocates of human rights across the world. The “Price of Nails” phenomenon in New York is used in the understanding of human trafficking (Chuang, 2017).
The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons in its Article 3 paragraph (a) defines human trafficking as presenting in a combination of various activities. The protocol explains human trafficking as activities involving, recruitment, transportation, transfers, harboring, and receipt of persons by use of threats and force or any form of coercion (Chuang, 2017). Force in the form of abduction, fraud, deception for a better life, or use of power versus the vulnerability of the person to give payments or benefits aimed at gaining consent. Victims of

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