
Characteristics Of Oedipus A Hero

Decent Essays

What is a hero? A hero can mean about anything to any person, whether it be someone who saves a cat from a tree, or someone who gives you the answers to homework. In Greek tragedies, a hero was often someone who was at a high point then hit a very low point. Often characterized by stubbornness and being conceded, hero’s are often the main characters in tragedies. It is ironic however that a tragedy is affiliated with the word hero; this is because when you hear “hero” many think of someone good, and when you think “tragedy” you think something bad. In one of the greatest greek tragedies of time, Oedipus Rex, the main character is thought to be a hero by many. It is often argued whether he is or not though. In the play, Oedipus is thought of as a tragedy because of his misjudgements, misfortunes,his own fate, and the punishment he endures that is far worse than what he deserved.
In the play, Oedipus is a king of a nation called Thebes. He lives a humble life at the beginning and has a family and a wife named Jocasta. However, the city of Thebes is cursed with a plague leaving the city in distress. Oedipus then sends his brother- in- law, Creon, to seek a way to end the plague. When Creon return, he tells Oedipus the only way to save the city is by finding the person who killed the previous king. Oedipus then send for a blind prophet who informs Oedipus that he is the one who killed the king. However, Oedipus can not believe this and retaliates by saying that it is all

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