
The Fall Of Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

Sophocles, a famous ancient Greek tragedy, writes, “The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves”; the profound meaning of this quotation means a tragic hero cause his own tragic flaw due to his excessive pride of passion which leads to their downfall. Oedipus Rex, written by Sophocles, is the great example for this quotation. He was a great hero but his greatest pride in his past cause him his downfall.

Oedipus is a great king of Thebes. At the beginning of the play, when the suppliants come and ask for his help when the plague is spreading through the kingdom, Oedipus sends Creon to ask the Oracle to find out what is wrong with the land. After hearing the Oracle from Creon, Oedipus accuses him and the blinded prophet Teiresias

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