
What Makes The Roman Empire Successful

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Which components made the Roman Empire successful?

Many components have contributed to the success of the Roman Empire. Firstly, a major component was the favorite geographical location of Rome. Rome is located on seven hills surrounded by a mountain range and lies at the mouth of the Tiber River in Italian Peninsula. The seven hills and the Alps mountain range had provided excellent protection with military advantages. The Alps acted as a roadblock to prevent incoming outside threats to Rome, and this gave the Romans an advantage. They could spot upcoming enemies as the enemies had to find their way up slowly. Therefore, the Romans could plan a counterattack or defend themselves beforehand. The Alps and the seven hills allowed Romans to be …show more content…

The leadership of Rome, especially Julius Caesar was one of the most critical components that has made the Roman Empire successful. Julius Caesar had various effective leadership qualities which helped the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar was an intelligent military general and politician, and he rose through the ranks over time to become the dictator of Rome for life. Caesar was very ambitious, and he decided to run for consul and dictate Roman politics. He developed an alliance with two powerful Roman men, Crassus and Pompey for achieving his big goals. This alliance worked out well for Caesar. After a year in the consul, Caesar landed the governorship of Southern Gaul, and soon he quickly conquered the rest of Gaul and expanded the Roman Empire to the north. By expanding the Roman Empire very far north, Caesar proved that he was an excellent military general and leader. Julius Caesar was very brave when Pompey and the Senate decided to call Caesar back and strip his power. If Caesar did not return with his army, he would have been punished for corrupted counseling and exceeded his power as governor. Caesar came back with his 13th Legion of the Roman Army because he believed that it was the right thing to do for Rome. Julius Caesar went back to Rome crossing the Rubicon River, which represents a highly dangerous act and he waged civil war

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