
Characterization In The Things They Carried

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The Things They Carried

In The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien, the characters carried copious amounts of baggage emotionally and physically. “The things they carried were largely determined by necessity,” (O’Brien 2). In the soldier’s rucksacks they’d carry things like: P-38 can openers, dog tags, matches, C-rations, canteens of water to things like: candy, Kool-Aid, salt tablets, and cigarettes. All throughout the novel, O’Brien would go into deep detail about the items the soldiers would carry so that the readers would have a sense of the physical baggage and also have a deep sense of the soldiers experience to help delve the readers into the grim war lifestyle. The soldiers would have had been able to carry their own personal items …show more content…

In the beginning of the novel his caretaker, Miss Douglas teaches Huck not to smoke, the Bible, to not lie, and simple manners although Huck detestes following the civilization’s way. Throughout the book, Mark Twain further elaborates on this theme making it one of the novel’s central ideas. “She got dead people” ( Twain 2).
Throughout the novel, Twain scourns religion. In the first chapter, Huck says that hell sounded more enjoyable than heaven. When Miss Douglas tells Huck Moses’s story he says he does not “take no stock in dead people”. Huck does not believe in any religion whatsoever because he follows his own set of morals. “Everybody was forgot forever” (Twain 8).
Honor is a very critical belief in the novel. In the beginning, the robber gang had to promise to honor each other and not have any secrets or else they’d have to kill their families. Not only that, but Huck had paid the judge 6,000 dollars so that he would not have to lie to his abusive father. This is also hammered into Huck when Miss Douglas and Miss Watson tell him to never lie. Honor was a big part of novel and a fundamental thought in the novel.
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