
Characters In 'All Quiet On The Western Front'

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Many characters in All Quiet on the Western Front, such as Katzinsky, Westhus, Beger, Kropp, Leer, and Deterring die. All their deaths are painful and tragic. For instance, Leer ends up getting hit by a fast striking bullet that hits his hip. This causes him to bleed to death like an emptying tube. Also, Franz Kemmerich gets a wounded leg which has to be cut off. Not only that, during that time, he faces grenade poisoning. This again results to another death, but very slow and painful one. Similarly, in “Arms and the Boy,” there is much talk about how the boy using weapons such as the bayonet blade and guns will lead to the death and grief of others someday. To exemplify, the boy is let to try along the bayonet blade. This symbolizes how

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