
Characters In The Book Holes

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Holes is written by Louis Sacher and is a fictional story about a teenaged boy named Stanley Yelnats, who is trying to break his family's curse. This curse was started by Stanley’s rotten pig stealing great great grandfather when he didn’t come through with his promise to escort a lady named Madame Zeroni who is a sorcerer who cursed him and his family with bad luck forever. This leads to Stanley getting wrongly accused of stealing Klyde Livingstone (famous basketball) shoes and getting sent to a juvenile detention center at Camp Green Lake where they dig holes to improve their behavior. Stanley then found a new friend named Zero who became his best friend. During the book Zero is fed up with the people and rude comments that he receives on a daily bases so he runs away. Stanley gets worried about Zero so he goes to try to find him, and by going after Zero Stanley Realizes Zero is a descendant of Madame Zeroni and by helping Zero he has broken his family’s curse. After a while Stanley realises it was fate that the shoes fell on his head so he could meet Zero and break his curse. Stanley’s bravery paid off in the end when he found his family’s treasure and Camp Green Lake was closed down forever wand Zero was adopted by Stanley.
Stanley Yelnats also known as Caveman is a teenaged boy from Texas. Stanley is very superstitious about the bad things that accrues in his life are linked to his family's curse of bad luck. An example of this is when Stanley

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