
Characters In The NovelThe Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time?

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Asperger Syndrome is an autistic disorder that noticeably lacks the compatibilities in the mind state to distinguish others expressions and thinking. According to Center for Disease Control, about 1 in 68 children births are born with this diagnosis. Although there is no cure for Asperger Syndrome, there are multiple treatments to help assist, such as psychotherapy, behavioral modification, social skills training and more. Having this disorder does not mean that children will have problems in all areas. A person with Asperger Syndrome can have the capability to come up with complex ideas when given a topic; however the difficulty comes into play when trying to convey what they are thinking in their heads and transfer that onto paper. People with Asperger Syndrome have the ability to write lengthy passages, using good vocabulary and a decent constructed sentences, but have trouble with organizing information and choosing correct details that are important but tend to overlook them. This can be understood by thinking that their thoughts are rapidly flowing but can often not end up on paper or resulting in being unorganized such as going back and forth between two topics. The novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, shows this type of pattern of being disorganized contains a great story structure. Mark Haddon’s unique writing style allows him to create a fictional character who portrays the reality of a condition such as Asperger Syndrome. This allows

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