To most a disability seems like a hinderance, but to others it's what makes them unique, and they shouldn't be frowned upon for it. In the novel The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time by Mark Haddon the main protagonist Christopher John Francis Boone faces both internal and external conflicts and this helps build up courage and bravery. He is faced with mystery and having to deal with his family at the same time. He needs to conquer bravery yet stay away from danger. Lastly, he needs to learn how to accept and forgive while fighting against his disability. After all of these difficult tasks he grows as a person and discovers who he truly is. We all have a little Christopher inside of us. Christopher has many internal …show more content…
This takes extreme mental toughness to have the guts and venture out like this almost all alone. Christopher needs to overcome his inner fears to reach his next goal. Once he finished this venture he conquered his fears and achieved something great all by himself, growing himself as an individual. Among the first external conflicts, was with the police in the beginning when Wellington was killed in the neighbor's yard. Christopher was lead to believe that police were good because they controlled situations. “ The policeman took hold of my arms and lifted me onto my feet. I didn't like him touching me like this. And this is when I hit him. (Haddon 8). Christopher was grabbed by an officer which was a big red flag for him. He then punched the officer causing a large misunderstanding to happen. This scene opened the gateway to the danger Christopher had to overcome to build up courage and bravery. Punching the police officer was a panic mechanism that was triggered due to the officer touching him. Christopher has always been inside of a protective bubble and now he has finally popped that bubble. Later in the story, Christopher realised his father killed Wellington and his mother is alive, immediately he thought to get to his mother. Throughout his journey to reach his mother, he is placed into different scenarios where he needs to escape from something. Almost always it's cops. One example,
He was very self-reliant. “When she tried to give him a little money for helping out at the swap meet,’ she recalls,’he acted real offended.”(46) Burres was a women who treated Chris as her own child. But when she tried to give Chris some money for helping her out, he declined. McCandless did not need anything from anyone even if he might have earned it. He did a lot of things just for the enjoyment and the face to face interaction to others. Christopher really didn't want anything from his parents. “I’m going to have to be real careful not to accept an gifts from them in the future.”(21) Chris and his parents had a weak relationship because of events that happen to him in his childhood. So Chris was on his own and away from others. From the time he was able to drive. Chris ws self-reliant and even bought his own care. Being self-reliant help Christopher in the past but ultimately led to his
Since the early age, he always wanted to accomplish things his way no matter what. One of the incidents that showed off his independent, but stubborn side of him was when he got up in the middle of the night and found his way through the neighbor’s house and into their candy drawer happened when Chris was only at the age of two, displaying that he was an a independent person all his life, or an adventurer. “At the age of two, he got up in the middle of the night, found his way outside without waking his parents, and entered a house down the street to plunder a neighbor’s candy drawer.” (106). This quote shows that Chris was willing to risk getting in trouble with his parents for something as insignificant as candy. Many children his age would only imagine doing something as sneaking out of the house, but Chris turned his thoughts into reality. While being an
A number of people are forced to respond to challenge throughout their lifetime. Response to challenge can be defined as an answer given in word or act to a demanding or difficult task. In the short story, "Lifeguard" by Barbara Scott, the protagonist, Chris, is an isolated teenager trying to cope with the numerous predicaments life bears upon him. Chris' father suddenly reappears after abandoning him years ago, which deeply affects him. Chris buries his pain in diving, perhaps because it is the only way he can conceal the hurt he feels within.
Have you ever been in a room full of people you don’t know? Christopher, who is also the main character in this book, he puts himself in this situations a lot. Chris has Autism and he struggles sometimes just being in big groups and being around people he does not know or like. He gets very stressed and upset when people come around, Haddon makes the character feel lonely and emphasizes the fact of him being the way he is. There are many examples of this in the book and I will show you them in this paper.
In the novel called “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” a fifteen year old boy named
One way Christopher develops is that at the beginning he says that he doesn’t talk to people he doesn’t know because he is scared of them. Although Christopher doesn’t like to talk to people he doesn’t know at the end of the book he overcomes his fear and starts talking to strangers so he can get through his goal of getting to his mom’s house. While Christopher is on his journey to get to his mom’s house he has to talk to some people to get there he does this once at an information booth to ask the worker where the address of his mom’s house is. Christopher also becomes more independent throughout the novel because at the beginning he only does things that Siobhan and his dad tell him to do but he never did his own things. Then later on in the book he starts writing stuff in his book that nobody told him to do and he also becomes more independent because he tries to get to his mom’s house in London which is very far all by himself. Christopher also achieved a couple of goals throughout the novel. One of the goals he achieved was getting to his mom’s house alone. This is an important goal for Christopher because he grew a lot throughout the process of finding his mom. Another goal he achieved was getting an A on his A-Level maths. This is also an important goal for Christopher because it makes him feel better about himself and makes him feel smart that people thought he couldn’t do something and he
I want to thank Professor Grigsby for the academic support by teaching me how to draw upon ideas from the book and emotional support by kindly talking with me about random things and making me feel more confident in writing. I want to thank Andrea Green for helping me brainstorm the prompt for my essay; without her helpful, it would be difficult to start. I also want to thank my dog Taozi for giving me reference and inspiration to write this piece and my brother for connecting the video chat with Taozi in China and me.
In chapter 131 of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” the reader gets an insight into Christopher’s mind and the way he reacts to his environment. This chapter focuses on the reasons as to why Christopher loathes the colors yellow and brown. For example, Christopher hates wood, which is brown, because “people used to make machines and vehicles out of wood, but they don’t anymore because wood breaks and goes rotten and has worms in it sometimes, and now people make machines and vehicles out of metal and plastic, which are much better and more modern”(Haddon. 84). These reasons allow the reader to see what Christopher sees through his own eyes. Just this one reason exhibits how logical Christopher really is. He thinks about things that most kids his age wouldn’t and is able to retain information on a variety of topics. Even though
He does not stop and in his search for clues he discovers both that his mother had an affair and that she is, in fact, still alive, living in London. After figuring out that his father killed the dog, Christopher runs away to London, feeling unsafe in his home. He lives with his mother for a while and then they both move back into the original town. Throughout the book, Christopher faces many difficulties due to his mental impediment and he is often unable to cope with them; I have faced challenges in my own life and I have taken action to overcome them appropriately, but my abilities vary from Christopher’s
Chris loses his sense of self fulfillment and questions who he is, which eventually leads him to become unhappy. Chris journeys into the wild to separate himself from his betrayful family and to discover how to be content with his life again. His adventure is noble, because even though inexperienced, Chris commits himself to an adventure to better himself and find true meaning for his life. Although Chris chooses to leave with the purpose of bettering himself, he causes his family pain by leaving them without notice. Leaving his parents is Chris’ way of revenge, he wants to hurt his family like they hurt him. The betrayal of his father made Chris question many aspects of his life, including who he is as a person. In order for Chris to be truly happy, have a family, and be a loving father, he has to re-discover who he is. Chris’ purpose of his journey is to become self fulfilled once again, and to be happy with his life and
Christopher's lack of basic understanding is a major cause for additional unpredictability in his life. In order to cope with the unpredictability, Christopher resorts finding order through his use of logic. Christopher also detaches himself from emotions
For the reader to understand Chris’s journey you have to understand Chris and where he came from. Chris came from a family that kept a secret from him for most of his life that he was a bastard child and his father was very abusive to Chris’s mother. Since Chris has found out about that this his view on his parents has been tarnished
Furthermore, Christopher does not have the ability to empathize. “I have to go back to Swindon, and mother said, Christopher you’ve just only got here.’ ‘I have to sit my Maths A level’ ” (page 246). Instead he has been gifted with mathematical skills. The math skills are the only thing Christopher knows, he really can master. He says on page 247, “ I’m going to get an A grade. And that’s why I have to go back to Swindon”. Christopher wants to be acknowledged. People frequently find him peculiar in his way of being. No one really understands him and that is why Christopher dislike
Next, a huge progression in Christopher’s mental growth was the result of him conquering many fears by taking the train to London. As Christopher is trying to find the train to Willesden Junction in London, he asks a stranger who guides him to the platform, and Christopher thinks, “ ‘I can do this,’ because I was doing really well and I was in London and I would find my Mother” (172). From the beginning of the book, Christopher constantly expresses his fears of strangers, and of public, unknown, places. This quote conveys Christopher’s mental growth because he can now think through and even face the worst of his fears, which shows that he can accomplish what he puts his mind to. Similarly, Christopher’s emotional growth is evident through the goals he achieves throughout the book, and his recognition of knowing he completed these goals, despite adversities.
Christopher is very different to normal people as he has Asperger’s Syndrome, a mental illness which deprives him of his social abilities and emotional interpretation. Christopher changes from an innocent unknowing boy to one of newfound truths and knowledge. At the start of the book he is very shy and protective of himself, only talking to those that he trusts. The author writes “It takes me a long time to get used to people I do not know. For example, when there is a new member of staff at school I do not talk to them for weeks and weeks. I just watch until I know that they are safe”.