
Charlie-Personal Narrative

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I sit on a scuffed wooden bench in the company of a lone stroller. Charlie is tucked inside, sleeping peacefully. I woke up early this morning for no reason in particular. Perhaps I’m subconsciously still trying to make up for lost time, being with Charlie and soaking up as much sunlight as possible. The entire town had longed for anything but a gray sky since the beginning of winter and today was finally that day. Spring was coming. The last of the snow has slowly melted away, along with everyone’s puffy coats and holiday spirit. Although this morning began quite nippy, any chill disappears as the sun rises higher in the sky. Today, I watch the small town awake and begin it’s normal early-morning bustle. Doors to shops along the street and …show more content…

It’s probably the only change this town has seen in the past ten years. For a while, I watch the squealing children streaking across the wet grass with kites gripped in their chubby little hands. Their mothers keep a watchful eye from the perimeter of the park, standing on the old sidewalks. My thoughts wandered to my own son, Charlie. One day he’ll be running around and wanting to learn how to catch the wind in his kite. I smile. I can’t wait for that day, but for now he’s just a one year old. I’ll enjoy him being small while I still …show more content…

It’s a rare occurrence to see a car in this town, and we both take a moment to gape with morbid curiosity. No doubt, it’s someone just passing through the town; entering one minute and out before the next. I squint into the distance and study the approaching car. I shield my eyes from the sun reflecting from the windshield to get a better look. It could be a trick of the light, but the car seem to be veering off the road, speeding straight at us. _____ In an instant, these lives have forever been changed. One moment there was a successful businessman, a striving mother and a bright, young man. The next, a man-slaughterer, an accident witness and a corpse. An entire world of possibility was crushed along with every bone in Andrew’s body, the expensive steel frame of Mr. Caravero’s car and Anne’s hopeful spirit. The once ordinary morning was now filled with the sounds of distant sirens approaching, Mr. Caravero’s car alarm blaring and a baby wailing. Anne gathered her child quickly into her arms, hugging him tightly and thanking her lucky stars that it wasn’t her boy. Her heart aches for Andrew’s mother, who would have one less child after today. It could’ve been Charlie, Anne tells herself. It could’ve been

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