On January 26th, 2017 at approximately 1943 hours, my partner Officer Presley #2100 and I responded to 829 Capp St. in a marked patrol vehicle in full uniform, regarding a missing individual. Upon arrival at 829 Capp St., I made contact with (R/1) Daniel Chavez in the lobby of the residential home for the mentally ill regarding a missing woman. Chavez reported that a patient of his (M/1) Helen Fernandez had gone missing around 1000 hours while in route to an appointment at Sunset Mental Health located at 1990 41stAve., San Francisco, CA 94116. Chavez stated that Fernandez was taking the Muni 48 Line to her appointment and had an active Muni Clipper Card. Chavez reported that Fernandez was scheduled for an appointment at 1130 hours with Dr.
On 09/30/2017 at 0005 hours, FTO Roman #2373 and I were in full police uniform in a marked patrol vehicle.
servicing for 2 years, he returned to Arizona to work in the field where his family and he
The article “Cesar Chavez Saved My Life,” written by Daniel “Nane” Alejandrez reflects on Mr. Alejandraz’s past, covering some very unfortunate events, but with a purpose of pulling emotion from the reader. While reading some parts of the article, I had to reread it over a few times to comprehend the point that the author was trying to make. The most important thing about knowing his past is that it is significantly different, and much more positive in the future because of one person, Cesar Chavez.
Are you trying to get into college?, but also get some money to help you? Well I got a solution for you, you can apply for a Cesar Chavez scholarship. You might be wondering who Cesar Chavez is? Cesar Chavez is a hispanic man that was a farm worker when he was a little boy. Cesar didn’t like the way people were treating farm workers, so he started a movement. You can kinda think of him as the second Martin Luther King Jr, but for the hispanics. Cesar Chavez was a brave and helpful man by fighting for equality for farm workers, inspiring the farm workers, and how he inspired people now and in the future.
Cesar Chavez was a very important man in the Civil rights for farm workers. He has changed the old ways and has set ,more, better ways. He gave up so much for the farm workers and civil rights. Cesar Chavez helped get back many things like very little pay because they were paid so little; he even helped people with non-violence; and he even helped with pesticides because it was affecting the farm workers. Cesar Chavez has done so much for the farm workers.
Cesar Chavez is a well renowned labor leader in American history. César Estrada Chávez was raised by a poor family of migrant farm workers. He had little to no time for school or freetime activities with his peers and experienced many bias racial comments because of his Mexican-American heritage. Despite this, César grew to become a gifted leader who inspired thousands of people to fix their lives and make it better. In the 1960’s César founded the United Farm Workers, an organization that led the members to fight for improved working conditions.
“There’s no turning back… We will win. We are winning because ours is a revolution of mind and heart” (cesarchavezholiday.org). These are the famous words of Cesar Chavez. Chavez believed that there was no stopping his team when they were fighting for the rights of the farm workers. Cesar Chavez was an important figure in American history because of his efforts to gain better working conditions for the farm workers who labored for low wages under severe conditions.
On August 20th, 2016 at 0245 hours Cpl. Smith (#9338) and I (Ofc. Wilson #9346) responded to a call at 3617 Leslie Avenue
Have you ever wondered what is was like to everyday without any basic human work rights or fair pay? Well, not too long ago, farm workers had to endure many hardships when every single day such as: working all day in the burning hot sun without any water, food, breaks, restroom breaks, and more. Thousands of these farm workers worked in fields everyday without any of these basic privileges, until, an extraordinary leader came along. Cesar Chavez, a farm worker himself, was the only person who was successful in his journey to winning rights for farm workers. Before Cesar Chavez, many people had tried, and failed, to organize the farm workers into a union. During this time, farm workers were mistreated by the farm owners, also known as the growers,
Cesar Chavez was born March 31, 1927, near Yuma, Arizona. He was the son of Librado Chávez and Juana Estrada Chavez. He grew up in Arizona with four siblings; Richard Chavez, Librado Chavez, Rita Chavez Medina, and Vicki Chavez Lastra. His home was a small adobe house on some 40 acres of land. This house was taken by Anglos. Cesar's father offered to clear 80 acres of land to earn the house back. This agreement was broken and the house was sold to another man named Justus Jackson. The Chavez's would get the house back, but not for long.
The “Struggle in the Fields” has always been a controversial issue. In the PBS series, we get to learn how many obstacles came along, when many Filipino farm workers along with Mexican American workers began to demand a change in the fields.
Former Venezuela President Chavez consolidated government control over the economy and nationalized its oil, and sized foreign business and improved poverty and the trend set by him is continuing when it comes to international trade and operation of foreign companies in Venezuela soil. Venezuela withdrew from the World Bank's International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 2012, citing bias in favor of transnational corporations. His successor Nicola Maduro reinforced Hugo Chavez reforms such as land law, expropriate idle and foreign companies, which is legislation and concrete actions in an effort to counter deteriorating economy with less intensity, (Ellner, 2014).
After having watched “How Will the World Remember Hugo Chavez?” (2013) and “South of the Border” (2009), if I had to combine and rename these two films, I would choose the title of “U.S. and the Struggle for Hegemony in Latin America”. The reason for this title is due to the constant conflict that the United States has had with nations like Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, etc. over the control of power under the name of “democracy”. In most of these nation, the U.S. has supported dictators that benefit them but do not benefit or even care about the masses residing there. Now individuals from the left like Chavez has fought against the United States in order to be able and help his people prosper and get back income that belongs to the state. Now
Chavez was eager to have a close relationship with Castro. He once said “Fidel to me is a father, a comrade, a master of perfect strategy,”. Chavez wanted to follow in Castro’s footsteps and remove American influence. The two countries helped each other by providing each other with things they need. In the later 2000s Venezuela send over 53,000 barrels a day to Cuba in exchanged for support in educations, health, sport, science, and technology. Both countries benefited from this exchange and their bond grew stronger.
The first leader of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez was not known for much. He was a huge disgrace for Venezuela. Chavez made life hard for the Venezuelan people with his bad policies. He made prices go up by twenty-three percent a year for more than ten years. This brought a lot for hardship for the Venezuelan people, causing to fall behind because they couldn’t afford anything. He made too many big, state owned companies but there were not enough people to work there. and less people to work them, which made the production fail.(Dolack)