
Cheating: Academic Dishonesty and Honor Code

Decent Essays

Cheating used to be considered an unmentionable sin. However, in this day and age, it has become more common and somewhat of a daily occurrence. Cheating is more widespread today than in the past. According to the article titled Education: The New Morality, cheating has not been an issue of values, but simply one of practicality. This shows that many view cheating as a mere occurrence and something that can often be skipped over. The reason cheating has become such a pervasive movement is because many students tend to rationalize their cheating behavior. A common rationalization that many students use is, " That 's the only way I 'll get anywhere in life." Many students also tend to incorporate reasons, such as parental pressures, …show more content…

Out of those three drawbacks, the one that most people find the most challenging is the second one, realizing that there is a chance that you may fail. It is a tough decision to give up a possible A (in which you would earn by means of cheating) to be and honest person and in turn receive a failing grade. Although all of these reasons are strong reasons that may sway someone to cheat, there is a much greater reason to be an honest person. By being an honest person, you creates an atmosphere of truth and trust that allows human beings and society to grow and flourish. Although it may be tempting to cheat, display dishonest behavior, it is more daring and courageous to be an honest person. Although, at the time, the benefits may not be clear to you, being honest can build great character in one 's life. By committing honest actions, one builds integrity (stated in the article titled A Question of Honor, academic integrity leads to personal integrity). Not only does being honest bring benefit to you, but also it brings benefit to the others around you. By being honest, you are creating a trustworthy, truthful environment that is in reality a safer place to live. WORK CITED
Many ideas are taken from:
- Special Millennium Issue/Education: The New Morality: Welcome to the Evil House of Cheat: Large-Scale Testing and the Growing

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