
Cheerleading Lessons

Decent Essays

IV ACTIVE EXPERIMENTATION The lessons I have learned from serving as a cheerleading director and creating a new cheerleading program will certainly help me in the future. Not only can I use this in my personal life, but also in my professional life. For instance, these skills would be helpful for any club or business that relies on recruitment and or retention strategies as a way to draw in their members. My experience with questionnaires and advertising will help me, because I can determine the needs of future participates and increase the accessibility of a variety of programs. What I have learned will make me valuable for business that is looking for someone to help them increase their participation and grow their company through the use of flyers and information booths. I will be able to teach another program director how to use questionnaire results to form strategies that will make their program grow. I believe these skills will come in handy when my church …show more content…

Like the boys and girls clubs, community outreach programs, performance groups, and recreational sports that rely on a defined plan to establish their program. My background with forming a program and organizing a plan of action will allow me to take on the role as director for a variety of programs. I can use this plan as a blue print to help other programs understand their needs and pin point what it will take to obtain their goals. This takes careful planning, time, and participation from other members. I have learned that there are many outside factors that can affect a programs plan and that a program cannot be planed overnight. I would take these outside factors into consideration when creating a plan as a director of a new program. The skills I have learned would help me in identify costs and research what the costs will intel. Then, I can implement fundraisers that will help cover the

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