
Chemical Castration Essay

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A Critical Analysis of the Effects of Chemical Castration and Physical Castration on the Recidivism Rates of Sex Offenders


This paper examines the effects of chemical castration and physical castration on the recidivism rates of sex offenders.
Using theory integration or the multifactor approach, the findings reveal there are several factors influencing sex offender recidivism. Both chemical castration and physical castration have the potential to reduce the recidivism rates of sex offenders by lowering testosterone levels, diminishing sexual urges, and making sexual urges more controllable if the sexual urges are motivated by increased testosterone levels. Based on theory integration, most sex offences …show more content…

Chemical castration has been studied for the last twenty five years, however, due to the newness of legislation in the
United States, there have not been many long-term research projects involving the effectiveness of chemical castration in reducing sex offender recidivism rates completed in the United States. However, one such study by Meyer, Cole, and Emory published in 1997 looks promising. The study "compared recidivism rates of 40 convicted sex offenders treated over a period of years with medroxyprogesterone and psychotherapy, with recidivism rates of offenders who refused medroxyprogesterone therapy but received psychotherapy" and found that only 18% receiving medroxyprogesterone re- offended, while 35% of those not receiving therapy re-offended." Physical or surgical castration is the removal of the testes and replacement with prostheses in order to reduce testosterone production, therefore, diminishing sexual urges and making behavior more controllable. Sex offenders can opt to have surgical castration; however, it is not mandated by state legislatures in the United States. As with chemical castration, there has not been extensive or long-term research on the use of surgical castration to reduce the recidivism rates of sex offenders in the United States. According to Robert Prentky (1997), surgically castrated sex offenders show significantly improved recidivism rates as

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