
Chemical Reaction Lab Report

Decent Essays

Anaija Hilliard
Dr. Agapito
Chemistry 10
February 13, 2018
Lab Report Introduction: In this activity, the group dealt with four metals and six chemicals. They observed the different chemical reactions each metal made with each chemical. In the end, the group ended up with 24 chemical reactions, each distinct to a certain metal and its chemical. The two main concepts they dealt with were Order of Activity and Oxidation State. Order of Activity is the reaction depending on the location of the element. The scientific definition of it is, “In chemistry, the reactivity series is a series of metals, in order of reactivity from highest to lowest.” As stated by, …show more content…

It is the most reactive because it has the most noticeable reactions. However, copper is the least reactive element in this experiment. It is the least reactive because it has the least noticeable reactions. i.e.- “slight discoloration”. Using our data, copper does not replace zinc because they do not have the same reactions. There are distinct reactions that go to each specific metal that are not directly related. In our data it is proven that zinc is a more active metal than copper and that zinc has a greater tendency to retain electrons. Zinc is a greater tendency to retain electrons because it has a lower order of Activity than copper. Hydrogen is a more active element than copper because of its order of activity. However, copper has a greater tendency to retain electrons because it is in the transition metals of the periodic table. This means that due to hydrogen location being the south west, it will most likely give up electrons. While copper being in the transition metals can either give up an electron or retain electrons. Certain elements that give up electrons easily are considered electropositive. The elements in this experiment that are more electropositive than silver are magnesium and lead. Finally, using the data, the elements in their order of activity from most active to least active are as

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