
Essay about Chemistry before Technology: Alchemy

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In the year of 3,000 B.C. man showed his first interest in Chemistry. The first known person was a woman who created perfumes from different substances. During this time Chemistry was more of an art than a substance. In the next paragraph I will tell you what society was like before technology was added to Chemistry. What chemically natural resources limited and advanced the process of technology being added to Chemistry. How adding the technology has affected our society. And how I think it will affect the future of Chemistry. Chemistry before technology was known as alchemy. Alchemy is the medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposed transformation of matter. According to the New York Times article “The Magical Origins of …show more content…

It is not that the technology is just affecting society, it is more that the society is affecting technology and chemistry. The more people who see the technology that chemist use and as chemist and technology advance the more people want to spend and borrow money from the government and the more that the government buys and loses money. Instead of putting that money where it needs to go, like medical research and chemical investments. But it also goes both ways the chemist need the money from the government in order to pay for the research and the people doing the research and also where they find their research. They could possibly need a chemical that is native in a foreign country and have to pay buckets loads of money in order to get it. And even if it is in America it could be under the ground and then you would have to pay for the area you need to dig in, pay for the workers to go and get it, and also pay for any damage or casualties that could potentially happen in the process of getting the chemical. The discovery of technology has also hurt chemist because the more technology you have the less people you need to do a job and many chemist could lose their jobs depending on what types of technology is created in the future. We could also in the future run out of money to fund the research but there is a great probability that that would not happen. The more advancements we make in chemical properties, the more we lose our roots in where that chemical came from. If

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