
Chemotherapy Mistakes

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Many humans in the world suffer from cancer. This disease has caused many people to lose their life or even their loved one’s life. Researchers have done many studies to try and tackle this deadly infection, but everything they have tried has either caused cancer to progress or come back. Maybe we should blame old, outdated medical equipment for this reason or researchers not working working professors to incorporate technology in the classroom. After reading many articles and books on why chemotherapy shouldn’t be a consideration, I’ve learned that it is slowly starting to vanish. Basically because more and more researchers are trying new experiments on patients to find new cures and also because medical researchers are notify professors …show more content…

Once everything was taken into place, Novocure recently announced their new antidote last month on October 2, 2015 (“Our Therapy”). As for the first experimental patients who received treatment before the FDA had approved Novocure new statistics, they weren’t scared of dying if a mishap occurred. One patient in particular was Elizabeth Marek, a Saint Louis, MO mother who first received chemotherapy treatments before obtaining electric fields. Elizabeth Marek had a deadly and aggressive form of brain cancer called glioblastoma. This unfortunate type of cancer would come at the wrong time for her because she was twenty-six weeks pregnant with her second child. Mentioned in Reuter’s Magazine, Marek began suffering from extreme headaches, and thought it was migraines due to pregnancy. She quotes, "It ended up being a tumor that was the size of my fist on the left side of my brain and it was pushing the left brain into the right brain area” (Gruber). Luckily her headaches became too severe and went to Washington University in Saint Louis Hospital to discover she had brain cancer. Oncologists and surgeons would remove the tumor. Unfortunately, after undergoing chemotherapy, a new tumor started forming in Marek's brain. Marek was devastated at first, but Dr. George Ansstas offered her a chance to be a science experiment. Mrs. Marek would be chosen to be one of the first patients to use a device called Optune. This device is just a fancy name for electric fields. She would carry a backpack that feeds an array of electrodes attached to Marek's head, exposing cells to this electromagnetic field that disrupt and lead cancerous cells to death. Now Elizabeth has no measurable signs of cancer in her brain. Elizabeth Marek mentions it by saying, “She has been wearing the device for a year and apart from

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