
Chemotherapy Should Be Compulsory Essay

Decent Essays

Dealing with cancer can be one of the most difficult situations in someone’s life; whether it’d be yourself or a loved one. It becomes even more sensitive when it is a child that is diagnosed with cancer. Rationalities are tainted and desperate times call for desperate measures. Many parents go above and beyond for their sick child and want to do everything possible to save them, unfortunately in these cases it can be by any means necessary. The issue of treatment for minors being mandatory is one that has stirred up controversies over many years. But some patients, with the support of their parents, just want quality of life. They want to live their last days on their own terms. In that case, it should be okay for the parents to refuse chemo for their child. It shouldn’t be mandatory for the patient to get treated.
As you may know, patients diagnosed with cancer undergo a treatment called “chemotherapy”. As Saunders defines in Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, chemotherapy is “The treatment of illness by chemical means; that is, by medication. The term was first applied to the treatment of infectious diseases, but it now is used to include treatment of mental illness and cancer with drugs” …show more content…

But as long as we continue with the pretense that parents can make decisions for their children, then society may disagree with some of those choices but should only step in when a real danger exists. And choosing not-to-treat does not always equal abuse” (Klugman). How can one argue with that? As Klugman explains, society may disagree and in some way view it as abuse; but it makes perfect sense. A parent should be able to make such vital decisions and not be perceived as “bad parents”. We should look at these key factors and take them into consideration. Overall, they are only concerned about their child’s best

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