
Chestnutt Genuinely Embraces The Challenges Of Tradition

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Chestnutt genuinely embraces the challenges of tradition and presents them in a unique way as well. The Marrow of Tradition provides a sociological outlook about race relations post slavery and pre-civil rights movement. Chestnutt focuses on the disenfranchisement of the black man as well as the advocacy of staunch white supremacy. Chestnutt conveys deeply rooted ancestral traditions widely held by white supremacists and challenges those traditions throughout the novel.
Chestnutt abides by the tradition that is being presented in this novel. An example, Sandy, is a negro who is talked of highly and evidence of such is apparent throughout the discourse of this novel. Early in the text it is evident that Mrs. Carteret views Sandy as “an …show more content…

Major Carteret is moved by the result of this election and uses his Newspaper as an outlet to rescind the legitimacy of blacks holding office. Major Carteret describes black’s ability to serve in government during his time as “unfit to participate in government due to his limited education, his lack of experience, and his hopeless mental and physical inferiority to the white race” (31). The views held by Major Carteret are solely those traditions executed by his ancestors with the deliberate intentions to maintain whites as a superior race and blacks as the inferior. Throughout the text Major Carteret’s prejudice is transparent, he holds the belief that “no two unassimilable races could ever live together except in the relation of superior and inferior.” The claims of Major Carteret’s deliberate intent to discriminate against blacks is clearly evident. During the time in which The Marrow of Tradition occurs, blacks are expected to conform to the social rules and laws implemented by white men. The idea of not conforming to the ideals of the white man might further perpetuate tensions between races. The first outlook on conforming occurs when Dr. Miller and Dr. Burns travels by train from New York to Wellington. The conductor asks Dr. Miller and Dr. Burns to separate because Dr. Miller has to sit in the train car specifically for colored people only. Another instance of tradition

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