
Child-Centered Play Therapy Analysis

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Play is the highest expression in human development and is consider a child’s natural way of communication. This article supports the emotional and behavioral benefits of therapeutic play in children compared to medical and biological interventions. Child-Centered Play Therapy consists of a secure environment in the presence of a warm, accepting therapist. CCPT encourages behavior, emotion, and self- regulation. In addition, in CCPT the therapist allows the child to initiate play for his or her own purpose and demonstrate a non-directive approach to nurture and build rapport with the child. As a result, play therapy is instructive because it allows a child to express their self while playing. According to the author there are three possible …show more content…

Self- regulation is a child’s potential to control his or her emotions, feelings and behaviors on their own. When a child is dys-regulated he or she is disconnected from his or her words, feelings, and behaviors. That is to say, play therapy is an effective factor in developing self-regulation, it provides the child the opportunities to self- monitor, shift focus, response, and transition their thinking to increase a good sense of well-being and health. The third reason is cathartic properties. Cathartic is the dismissal of emotions from devastating events such as: violence, kidnapping or natural disasters. Cathartic in play therapy allows the child to verbally or physically release his or her emotions in a safe and secure environment. During that process, the child is able to managed and transform their unpleasant stress or emotions within their control. Regards to this, the author’s conclusion is that Child-Centered Play Therapy has a great effect on a child’s emotional and behavioral challenges than any other forms of child psychotherapy. Also, CCPT continues to expand their research on diverse populations, diagnosis and mediators and moderators of change. On the other hand, the author points out the negative consequences of medications giving to children and adolescents with

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