
Child Centered Play Therapy Case Study

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Presenting Problem(s) at Intake: HN presented with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - F43.10. The mother reported that HN has witnessed multiple occasions of domestic violence and the disruptions caused by the parents’ divorce. The domestic violence began before HN’s mother became pregnant, but the frequency increased during the pregnancy and continued until the mother and children moved out eleven months ago.
HN’s mother reported that he became angry during transitions or when asked to do something he didn’t want to do. HN still often becomes verbally and physically abusive toward his mother and sisters, using words and behaviors that are similar to the verbal and physical abuse he witnessed his father using against his mother and sisters. HN also continues to have a difficult time going to, and staying asleep. Although he still experiences violent nightmares, the frequency has reduced during the summer. HN’s father would not change diapers and, although he is potty-trained, HN continues to retain his feces while …show more content…

Child Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) allows these children safety and unconditional regard. Among the many therapeutic benefits CCPT offers, is a contradiction to the trauma experiences the child has lived. Although HN continues to be exposed to emotional trauma and confusing messages, he has been able to increase his level of personal safety through an integrated form of CCPT sessions. As HN continues to grow and develop, he will need support and compassion to help him navigate the conflicting messages of what behavior is expected and appropriate in the world. Child centered play therapy is an effective modality that could help him heal from the continued trauma exposure by providing a contradiction through the validation of his emotions, exploration of healthy limits, and providing him with unconditional positive

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