
Child Custody Mediation Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The Steps in the Process of Child Custody Mediation
When marriages come to an end, children tend to be the most affected parties. Each parent wants to be part of their children’s lives just as before. This is why Child Custody Mediation is more beneficial than custody battles in the courts. Mediation allows both parents to amicably come to a parenting plan that allows them to actively be involved in their children’s lives. This process also has other advantages like time saving, cost saving, less stress, and more importantly, the process keeps the family more united compared to court proceedings. These are the steps in the mediation process:
Meet the Mediator
The first step is to identify a mediator you both agree on. During the first meeting, the mediator will explain how the mediation process works and what each parent is required to do. The mediator doesn’t represent any …show more content…

It’s better to start with the easy issues to give the parents time to ease into the process, whereas the complex issues can be tackled later when they have fully accepted the process.
Discuss Solutions
This stage can only be successful if both parties are open-minded. You have to find the best possible solution to the issues discussed before. The mediator will negotiate the solutions and both parents need to compromise with each other’s solutions. Both parents should give solutions that are in the best interest of the children, not their own.
Sign the Custody Agreement
After finding solutions to the contested issues, the mediator will draft the custody agreement. Make sure you go through this document to ensure it reflects what you agreed on. Understand that this document is legally binding. So, before signing it, let your attorney examine it. After both of you are satisfied with the agreement, you can sign it and have it submitted to the court for

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