
Child Interaction Observation

Decent Essays

Have you ever noticed how a younger child acts around his friend compared to his family? Through observation I noticed there is a huge difference. Whether it be topics of conversations, attitudes, or expressed emotions they all differ. It really made me wonder what went through a six year old’s mind. To start out, the subject I observed was a six year old boy. I chose to observe him for the simplicity of him being my younger sibling so I had already gained some insider knowledge. I also chose him due to it being fairly easy for me to just sit and watch him. For the sake of confidentiality I will call him Steven. Steven is in his summer break leading into second grade school year. He is Caucasian and lives has a fairly normal life for someone …show more content…

They’ll either talk about video games, zombies, or make up their own games. One common factor out of that that he talks about with family is video games. He loves to talk about video games to me because I am the one who taught him how to play. Which I wish I had known that in the process I was creating a monster but that’s another subject because now all he talks to me about is video gamrs. You can tell when he gets excited about something he is talking about because he starts to stutter or not think things all the way through. For example, whenever he is talking about a certain level or activity about a video game he will start to talk really fast, and you can hear the excitement in his voice. He will also give off nonverbal body language with his hands often by rubbing his thumb on his pointer finger. I was able to notice when he was getting mad through observation because of his body language also. He would put his head into his knees and let out loud sighs. Steven would also start to get mad at the people that were around …show more content…

To start out, when looking from Erickson’s spectrum Steven would be in the Industry Vs. Inferiority. In this stage he is learning to deal with scholarly needs as well as social. In my observations I noticed he was having a mildly difficult time on the academic side of things. I am backed up by this assumption when he stated he was worried about the next school year because of math. Socially wise there is also some room for improvement. As exclaimed, he tends to be pretty bossy in a social setting. I personally see it as being a fairly normal occurrence at his age but it definitely needs worked on. Without improvement on those areas he will experience feelings of being inferior which I feel is starting to happen due to

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