
Child Labor Caused The Children

Satisfactory Essays

Damon Randazzo Ms. Wilkerson F Period 14 October 2014 Research paper In the early 1800’s education was only available to certain people. The people who could not go to school had no choice but to work for very low pay. Child labor started when factors were mostly ran by machines and not by man power. Some of the jobs include mines, glass factories, agriculture, home industries, newsboys, messengers, bootblacks, and peddlers. The owners of the factors would pay children to run the machines because it was cheaper than paying adults. Child labor caused the children to have a very bad childhood. They could be like normal children because they had to work all day and could not go play outside with the neighborhood kids. In the early 1800’s only the wealthy children could go to school and the poor children would have to work in factories. There were many different types of jobs during the early 1800’s. Some of the jobs include mines, glass factories, agriculture, home industries, newsboys, messengers, bootblacks, and peddlers. A job in a factor may consist of 12 to 18 hour days, six days a week. Children could start working in factors as early as 7 years old. The working conditions in the factors were often dark, damp, and dirty which made the children ill. The children did not just work in factors they also worked in coal mines where it was very dirty and the children often became ill. The children who worked as newsboys they brought all the paper, so t cost of any that

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