
Child Labor DBQ Essay

Decent Essays

In the 21st century, our whole economy is depended upon technology. However, from the end of the Civil War and into the early 1900s, the economy was industrializing. However, industrialization created a larger need for larger workforce. The working conditions changed, but it often caused hardships for workers. As a result, the government, groups and individuals attempt to solve many problems such as low wages, child labor, and unsafe working conditions through the passing of laws and workers’ union. One problem in the 1900s was child labor, which was not an uncommon sight in the factories. The children who worked at these factories would be exposed to harsh chemicals and could possibly lose and arm or limb to the machineries. Children as young as 16 years old would work in those unsafe, overcrowded factories instead of going to school to receive an education. To resolve the child labor issue, many states begun passing laws that made child labor illegal. As shown in the illustration in document 7, the state of Georgia passed the Georgia Child Labor laws, which took children out of Georgia Factories and into schools for education (document 7). Also shown in document 2, in …show more content…

Workers were paid as little as dollar or a dollar and twenty-five cents for working for twelve to sixteen hours a day. The low wages were so bad that many were starving. In document 3, Governor John P. Altgeld of Illinois wrote to George M. Pullman saying that “there are nearly six thousand people suffering for want of food- they were your employees” (document 3). However, workers who joined labor unions had their wages increased dramatically. In document 8, the President of American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, said that those who joined labor unions had their “wages increased 70 percent in the past seven years” (document 8). Labor unions in the 1900s helped workers increase their low wages to not beg for food for

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