
Child Needs A Single Parent

Decent Essays

The thought of being raised by only one parent seems impossible to many, yet over the last decade it has become more prevalent. Today, many children have grown to become emotionally mature and even victorious, whether they were guided through the mysteries of life with one parent or two. The dilemma is bestowed in between comprising one parent versus both as a single-family unit. Thoughts very from different specs, as one might argue a child needs a male role model while the other debates the governmental advantages of being a single parent. With much thought, this issue has developed into a very fascinating topic of discussion, from points of agreement and thorough disagreements. In my opinion, the community is unaware of valuable …show more content…

Over sixty percent of today’s population is representing children in single parent families. That percentage is extremely difficult to comprehend as it basically illustrates what fraction is put into a relationship before declaring to have a child. Not all adults act in providing for their child with simple tasks. Parents whom ultimately did or do not seem to have the confidence and or ability to simply provide for their child, should have reutilized their options and prevented the occasion from happening. Un-expectancy is also very common, although such knowledge and awareness of becoming pregnant should already be imprinted on adults at such age, thus there is no excuse. By deciding to have a adolescent, and you unconditionally love that child, at that point the choice of abandonment is not present. There are many ways of enhancing your child 's growth, as it potentially relates to applying yourself to that child with time and social interactions.

From personal experience, my father passed away when I was young therefor I did not have him around while growing up. Coming from a huge background, I had an elder brother, uncles and even my grandfather there to support me in any way possible. My brother was always in my presence and allowed himself to guide me in life and ultimately developed my sense of blossoming into a young woman. In moments where my mother was unable to come home or be in our attendance, my family members allowed

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