
Child Observation

Satisfactory Essays

Per Reporter: Emilia and Ryan's mother (Stacey) spanked them with a metal cord. The metal is at the end of the cord (a prong). Emilia is spanked with she gets a yellow at school (is a chart used to measure your behavior at school). The yellow means a warning. Emilia gets a yellow often. Emilia told her friend (unknown) at school that Stacey spanked her with the metal cord. The friend told her mother (unknown) about Stacey spanking Emilia. The friend's mother contacted the school and reported what had happened. Emilia has no bruise or mark. Ryan was not questioned. Stacey makes Emilia stands in the corner for three hours when she gets in troubles. Emilia was questioned about getting a spanking. Emilia stated that: "Her mother told me not

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